The Highest Standard of Dermatology

WV Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center in South Charleston, WV

WV Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center in South Charleston, WV

Welcome to our premier dermatology office, where experience and enthusiasm come together for beautiful, healthy skin. Our practice is anchored on a strong desire to provide personal dermatologic care in a manner that elevates your patient experience. It is our hope that this desire is evident from your initial contact with our scheduling desk through your entire course of treatment. Whether your objective is to manage a chronic skin condition or manage the signs of aging, we will put our training and clinical skills to work to help you bring out the best in your skin.

Dr. David W. Judy

Dr. David W. Judy


Dr. Judy specializes in the treatment of skin cancer and offers Mohs Micrographic Surgery, the treatment with the highest cure rate for the most common forms of skin cancer. Dr. Judy has extensive training from Duke University Medical Center in dermatologic wound care, completed a dermatology residency at Largo Medical Center in Clearwater, FL and completed a fellowship in Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology at University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Judy offers Mohs Micrographic Surgery, General Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology.

Dr. Judy’s passion for helping people treat skin cancer has lead him to his own medical grade Lux SunScreen products. Sunscreen is a vital step in your morning skin care routine! Every person should be using a daily SPF to help decrease your risk of skin cancer and precancers. The benefits do not stop there, it is also the #1 product used for anti-aging prevention!

American College of Mohs Surgery Badge
AOA zeus badge
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Badge
American Academy of Dermatology Association Badge

Meet Our Providers

Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant

What Our Patients Are Saying


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Office Hours

Mon-Thu: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Fri: 7:30am - 12:00pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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